Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I have a confession. It isn't something that I am embarrassed about. It is just something that I think you should know about me.

I'm a napper.


At the same time.

A lot of my scheduling revolves around nap time. Making sure it is undisturbed.

I sound like a loser now don't I?

Here is the thing. I see reports saying "adults need 7-9 hours of sleep each night". I am FIRMLY in the need 9 hour category. I don't generally get a full 9 hours, at least not without the expense of losing a lot of time with my husband. And my husband is very important to me. He also happens to be a 7 hr kind of sleeper.

Now, I don't want you to get the wrong impression. Nap time can be sacrificed for a good cause. Play dates are generally not a good enough cause. You know why? Because I nap when my kids nap. If my kids go napless.... let's just say bedtime gets moved up earlier and there will be LOTS more crying involved.

My kids have been trained that each afternoon is nap time. It isn't an option. It is like eating lunch. It happens everyday. If my kids stay on that schedule they are so much happier.

I know lots of parents have kids that nap. I am not a genius for having nap time. The difference between the two is that for some reason other mom's think they have to clean and things like that while their kids sleep. Yes, that can be good. It can help in teaching your kids to sleep through noise. I use it as my read scriptures, write in journal and then pass out time.

Other moms may have cleaner houses. I happen to have my sleep need satisfied. I am no good to my kids physically or emotionally if I am lacking sleep. If I am tired, when the kids go to bed in the afternoon, I am too. It makes me a better mom.

When I listen to other moms talk about all the things they get done during nap time, sometimes I feel guilty. No, I don't spend all of my time working. Some of that time is for me. I use it for what I need. That way when they get up, I can be there for them, emotionally and physically.

1 comment:

  1. Man, I wouldn't feel guilty if I were you. Matter of fact, I'm outright jealous. I felt like my job got twice as hard when Audrey stopped napping reliably - even if all I did was take advantage of some quiet time to sit in front of the computer, I still had an hour or two for myself. Now, my solo childcare days are 12 hours straight, and some (many) days, that's about two hours too many.
