Thursday, April 7, 2011

Followers of Christ

I found it interesting when he said "We follow Christ because we love him." I don't think I had ever thought about it that way before. If  you had asked me why we follow Christ it may have been something like- We follow Christ because He is the Savior and he told us to. We follow Christ because life is better when I do. I follow Christ because I am supposed to. Love is a much better reason.

I thought it was rather profound when he stated "Making covenants is an expression of love." Yet again, I don't think I had ever looked at it in that light before.

I like the promise he made when he said "The power of covenants is greater than ANY challenge." I know we all want to believe that our particular challenges are much harder than those of other people around us. However,your trials are not harder than that of Christ and he is the one who sets all this up. Nothing is too hard for him.

Speaker, Elder Walter Gonzales

1 comment:

  1. Having spent the past week with Ali's adorable kids, who showed their love for me by literally following me around, mimicking my movements and running in circles around my legs, I think this may be yet another area where I can learn from the little children--following out of love.
