Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Amazing updates.

This is just a list of random things going on. I'm not very good with consistent thoughtful updates.

  • I hurt my ankle 3 weeks ago. It still isn't healed. At least not as well as I want it to be. My husband is getting concerned. I really don't do very well with "take it easy for a while." If I "take it easy" I tend to just think of more things to do since I wasn't doing something else. Plus I do have various sized children expecting me to actively participate in their lives. Trying... but oh how planting blueberry bushes and doing laundry seemed important.
  • I invited the Muslim man at the bus stop to see one of our church general authorities ( Richard G. Scott ) who is coming to speak to us on Sunday. Very excited! Sadly he is moving away and won't be able to make it. We have had many religious discussions in the last few days and I am impressed at how many similarities there actually are between our beliefs. There are still plenty of things we don't agree on but I thought Islam was much farther away then it actually is. ( At least according to what this man told me anyway.)
  • We figured out how to wire our TV to the computer. Awesomeness. Sound and everything.
  • Today is a movie day. All day. Movies and naps.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Quote of the moment.

Naomi: "Next time I am going to go to hockey so I can see where they crashed into the comedian!"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Recent happenings.

Here are some things that have happened recently-

  • My husband ordered 6 pounds of passion fruit from Brazil. Then he made passion fruit mousse and sherbet. Fabulously delicious. If you haven't ever had passion fruit it is kind of like eating a lot of sweet tarts at one time. I had never seen one before there were a bunch of them in my kitchen. The inside is kind of like a pocket of orange tadpoles. I am in no way kidding.
  • Ethan's boss invited the two of us to go with he and his girlfriend on a business trip to Tulsa. I enjoyed myself. They really take care of those business travelers. His boss has some seriously hysterical stories. But then again he claims he has lived 3 life times in his short life. He honestly has. I was also informed I was invited to travel with him all the time since I pack cheese sticks with me.
  • My daughter found a dead sparrow. She loved him. He was put inside Miracle Whip bottle. She carried him around most of the day. Everybody that saw it reminded me that " They carry disease, that is so gross." Sometimes I wonder if I am the only adult that went through childhood before I became an adult. When you are a kid disease is not something that you worry about until adults pound it into your brain that the world is going to kill you unless you sit in your living room constantly sanitizing your hands. How often do you really get a close look at the coloring and markings on a sparrow? Enjoy- not obsess....
  • I was informed that "Hot dogs YUMMY!" about 12 times while I tried to read scriptures tonight.
  • Victor said "thank you Caleb" Caleb said:" thank you me".
  • I found a rubber shark on top of the fan blade.
  • I found Phebe's pants on top of the planet mobile. I think we have a throwing problem going on.
  • Naomi put an earth worm in her hair on purpose.
  • I have gained a serious respect/fear of spearmint. Just because I can see its boundaries does not mean the plant accepts them.

I love my house.

Friday, April 2, 2010

God loves a generous heart.

I am posting to tell you that God loves a generous heart. I know this probably more than I know much else. Why occasionally I question that I don't know.

We are trying to save money. My mom stopped by this afternoon and said she was off to pick a friend up from work. This friend is a VERY hardworking woman. She could have filed for bankruptcy thanks to her ex husband. Instead she has worked hard for 3 years to pay off nearly 30,000$ in credit card debt. One of her methods of doing so is by living on things like instant breakfast. That isn't actually a method I recommend. So when I found out my mom was going to see her I ran downstairs and started grabbing some food from my storage. As I was doing this all I could think of was "why do I insist on filling this box up? We are supposed to be saving money. Yes, saving money- but God loves a generous heart. It'll be fine."

So I sent a box loaded with milk and juice and pastas and tuna fish and corn and hamburger and lots of other foods.

20 minutes later I got a phone call. My friend is going on vacation and forgot she was leaving soon when she had gone grocery shopping, thus she had lots of perishable foods she needed to get rid of.

So within 2 hours I will be getting my own little load of groceries.

You'll never out give God. He will always send you more.