Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I have a 3 year old.

I have a 3 year old. I love him dearly. Right now I want him to go away.

Why is it necessary to dump the bag of cereal on the carpet?
Why is it necessary to dump the tortilla chips on the floor?
Why is it necessary to smash strawberries into the carpet?
Why is it necessary to insist upon having a bowl of cereal he has NO intentions of eating and then we have the same arguement every morning? And you are sitting there thinking "well if he doesn't eat it than just tell him he can't have any." Then every morning we have the arguement of " why can't I have cereal, I will eat all of it!"
Or leave his underwear on the floor at every opportunity?
Or spill any kind of special drink, hot chocolate, strawberry milk ect, EVERYTIME? He has NEVER successfully finished a glass of chocolate milk EVER. Sorry, I am mistaken, there was one time he did. That day Naomi managed to spill hers instead.

Yes, I know this is being blown out of preportion. I just find it incredibly frustrating. Cereal and chips yesterday, yogurt and strawberries today. I do not understand why getting it to his mouth is so difficult. Looks like the baby gate is going up in the kitchen doorway today. It went up yesterday too since instead of just eating strawberries it was deemed necessary to get out all 3 packages and dump them on the floor in order to consume them.

So why do I love this child? Because even when I get angry, or do something mean to him, he just waits for me to calm down and is ready to hug and love me. No matter what, he is quick to smile and ready to forgive. Someday I will follow that example.

1 comment:

  1. I think that part of when we are told to be like little children, it means that when we make big ugly messes, we are still loved anyway. Too bad grownup life messes no longer just vacuum out of the carpet!
