Thursday, July 8, 2010

Reading, ever reading.

Ok this is an interactive post. Within the last few years I suddenly realised I actually LIKE reading. Took my 25 year to figure it out- but I do in fact ENJOY it. My problem is I am really picky. I feel as though my time is short and I need to learn SO much. So I was hoping you could help me out by suggesting books that have influenced the way you look at things. I want books that uplift. Books that inform. Books that will help me be a better person. Or just books with really great dialogue ( I don't care how poor the story line is, you give me witty conversations I will follow where ever you lead.)

I am currently reading "The 5000 Year Leap." It is about the miracle that took place in putting together America's government, the 28 principles that the constitution was based on and how America has helped the world leap forward in many ways. So far I have learned A LOT. ( I bought it if you want to borrow it. )

I am asking you to take the time to suggest books you think I should have in my resume. Be they classics or instruction manuals please list them if you think I would benefit from reading them.