Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sneaky, sneaky husband

Back to the chiropractor we went today. I enjoy going there. I enjoy having my neck realigned. Though it would be super awesome if it stayed where it belonged once in a while.

It is a family affair. The receptionist escorts all 6 of us to a tiny little room and then eventually the DR comes in and straightens us all out. Yes, it is a tiny room. Yes with 4 children it does get a bit loud sometimes. Phebe occasionally gets rather unruly. Several visits back I brought a small umbrella stroller and just strapped her in while I was being examined. I believe that is one of the best ideas I have ever had.

Only Ethan, Victor and I were worked on. *Caleb announced he need his bones fixed too. Naomi thinks the whole thing is unacceptable and will never participate in such things.  As well all walked to the waiting room Ethan stopped to talk to the receptionist/ massage therapist.

I told the kids not to exit the building since we had not yet scheduled our next appointment but was suddenly whisked away to a different room.

My husband had scheduled a massage as a birthday present. So awesome.

So he watched kids while I laid on a heated bed in a room with dim lighting getting my shoulders and neck rubbed. It was great.

Ethan is so sweet. He is so thoughtful and sneaky. I love it. I am so grateful I married him.

* On a previous visit Caleb was looking at the pictures on the wall in the exam room. One diagram of the nervous system. Another detailing the skeletal system. He was looking at the cardiovascular system intently. All of these diagrams are of males. Someone pointed out " Look, it's boy. It has a penis!" Caleb announced he too is a boy. He has a penis. Yes, yes, Caleb you have a penis. What took me a moment to realize is that he had pulled it out and was making sure we could see it. He was just proving his point. Ethan and I stifled laughs and told him,"yes indeed are a boy, now put that back in your pants".

It was funny.

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