Saturday, July 9, 2011

Post trial

Lately there has big a bit uproar about the Casey Anthony trial. If you haven't heard the details- google it. I am not going to go into great detail here. The general gist however is- Little girl goes missing, mom doesn't tell anybody for a month and then she went jail for 3 years till her trial then was found not guilty of murder.

It is a sad, sad situation.

I am in no way going to try to prove her innocence or guilt. I don't personally care. God gets to take care of that stuff and I am glad I will not be held responsible for deciding.

There is one issue I would like to address about the situation.

Anthony was convicted of 4 counts of lying to law enforcement. Thus carrying approximately a year sentence each. Since she had already been in jail for 3 years she was almost done anyway.

My question is "What if she hadn't even been convicted of those charges? What if she truly was innocent of any wrong doing?"

( I have no idea what the truth is, I won't pretend I was there and understand exactly what happened.)

If she had absolutely nothing to do with the event she just spent 3 years of her life in jail. 3 YEARS. What if she didn't do anything to that child? Now her child AND 3 years of her life are just gone. You can't get that back.

She was found not guilty.  But I see outrage all around me that she wasn't convicted. How is this woman, who may possibly not have been involved, ever supposed to recover some semblance of life? Who is going to hire her? Who are her friends after an incident and isolation like that? Who wants to rent an apartment to someone who has so much drama surrounding her? Will someone marry the woman that the world believes killed her own child? Can she grow up and be more mature and ever have children again?

Most of you probably believe that she did it. Seems like the world does. I don't think I paid enough attention to have an informed decision regarding her innocence or guilt. All I want to know is "if it were you who was found in suspicious circumstances, how would you feel at the end of all this?"

Robbed. That is how I would feel.

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