Monday, October 31, 2011

Nature's Bubble Wrap

There is a few specific kinds of bushes around here that I love walking by. Why? Because I like to pick a leaf off and carry it with me down the side walk. As I continue walking I fold the leaf. Sounds silly I know. But those leaves make a very satisfying sound and feel great while I crinkle it up.
I once described it to a friend of mine. She summed it up so well.-"It's like nature's bubble wrap."

She's right.

Wearing hard soled shoes and stomping on acorns is another sensation that is so gratifying. I love the pop and crunch when you get a good one. Even now while waiting at the bus stop or getting out of the car in the church parking lot, I will look around for a good acorn to crunch.

I find it amazing that cool as bubble wrap is, nature still have something to rival it.

I was unable to put the bubble wrap directly on my page. However you can go here and pop to your hearts content. Or you could just outside and crunch something.

What do you find satisfying?


  1. Waking up to a clean kitchen. Starts my day off on a good foot, usually

  2. I taught a family of kids at the park how to peel horse chestnuts (or "buckeyes" if you live in Ohio) out of their prickly shells and float them down the stream. Rocked their white trash world!
