Thursday, January 17, 2013


I have a 7 year old daughter who once told me, "Mom, I am just so full of ideas."

She is indeed.

Here is a sample of what living with a child "so full of ideas" is like.

Yesterday she came home from school and got a snack while I did something else. I could smell tater tots and asked if they had saved any for me. Her response, "Yes, mom we did. And we finally made a parachute for the (stuffed) cat!"

After much experimentation with dropping stuffed animals attached to grocery bags off the stairwell we eventually moved into homework time. She doesn't have a lot and we are still working on an arrangement that makes us both happy. That seems to change daily.

She decided that she wanted to do her homework upstairs, in her room. I would love to see her independent so I said OK. But with Naomi, NOTHING is that simple. She took her backpack to her room but soon she needed a hockey stick. Now, why would a 7 year old need a hockey stick  to help with her homework?

To wedge under her mattress to hang her backpack from, obviously.

I came back at another point to check on her progress. I found the safety bar for the bunk beds spanning the gulf between two dressers with a blanket draped over it. Behind this curtain was Naomi sitting on a hard olive green suitcase. Sitting Indian style, eyes closed, thumb and pointer finger pinched.

So of course I asked her what she was doing.

Me: Where do you get this from Naomi?
N: China.

Impressively enough she did get her worksheet done. Eventually.

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