Monday, January 28, 2013

Being beautiful and eating marbles.

In case you haven't hear the song "That's what makes you beautiful" by One Direction let me provide you with a wonderful opportunity to hear it.

That's right, hear it. The music video can be summed up by boy band with crazy hair (what is with the crazy comb your hair forward thing?)  at the beach met by girls who allegedly don't know they are beautiful and that is what makes them wonderful. The song makes me feel so good. The video just reminds me of how Hollywood and the like work. Anyway... So I just think it is a fun song to listen to, and sing to, and have a big dance party with your children to. 

There is also this video of the Piano Guys doing this song. It also makes my heart happy.

I  happen to enjoy this song and the Piano Guys so it works out well.

I wish I was that brilliant to have thought of playing a piano like that myself. Of course I was always told to stop touching the strings. Then again, they probably have no problem getting their pianos tuned and well... let's just say to the people with pianos around me getting it tuned is a bit of a bigger deal. Anyway enjoy!


I found Phebe with marbles in her mouth. I told her to spit them out, they could choke her. Her response-
"I'm a hungry hippo mom." 

She has such compelling arguments sometimes.

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