Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A post

Here is a post from me. It is about the random happenings around here. I know you are dying to hear about them.

Ethan and I have started our Ballroom dance lessons. Tonight will make night 3 of the Fox Trot. The dance itself is OK. Most of the music that goes with it is not my favorite genre. We practiced last night. We did find one particular artist we can fox trot to. Her name is Nora Jones. This is one of our favorites.

After we come home from dance lessons, we read scriptures as a family and the kids go to bed. Ethan and I then play fruit ninja or something and then he goes to his hockey game. Unlike me, he is actually good enough to play on a team. Good enough to get stuck on defense.

Ethan's boss hired me to help with the grand opening of a second location of the business.Neither Ethan or his boss actually like to be in the spotlight. They were both dragged into the ribbon cutting ceremony anyway. I ran the grill and served hot dogs. Note worthy happenings of the day include:
  • My husband being asked if I was his daughter.
  • Ethan being sent on a limo run. ( Still not sure why you would pick the manager of a location to leave during the grand opening....)
  • Listening to old men talk about how this business was going to revitalise the whole area.
  • I watched the skill of free loaders in action. No shame I tell you.
  • Won a basket from the auction. A 9 year old girl gave me the tickets. With our powers combined we were unstoppable.
  • Was asked which company I worked for. The man was flabbergasted when I said I was a stay at home mom. It was funny.
  • Made some money.
  • Learned there really is no convenient way to get from here to that location. It was ridiculous.
I am glad I was given the opportunity to help out. Man, I am glad I do not have to work everyday. It would be awful.

I went to Zumba with a friend at the YMCA. When I went to retrieve my children from the child care area the woman in charge made a comment that should have surprised me. It didn't though. "Phebe climbed on everything. EVERYTHING." Um... sorry. She does that. A lot. I am working on curbing that. Her comment was "I only meant I have sympathy for you at home. I am sure she does it there too." Oh, how right that woman is.

We went to my children's school open house. We learned Victor can read really well and I need to work harder with Naomi. Did anyone else ever have a problem with working hard with the oldest and slacking off with other children? I am going to work harder on fixing that. Naomi also learns differently so I need to change up my tactics.

Today I went through old letters and pictures. I threw away a bunch of old letters and pictures. I held on to prom pictures and special memories. But much of my premarried life is in the trash. I can't help but think " I barely cared about this person when I knew them. My kids certainly aren't going to care about them."And then the picture goes into the garbage. It was fun and occasionally sad to reread some of the things. I wonder if I was kind enough. I wonder if I said the right thing. If I was a good friend. If I was sincere. Do I really deserve all the wonderful letters I have gotten?

I still have a pile that I need to go through. I also have other piles all over the room thanks to my daughter who was "helping". Gonna go get dinner started and those helper piles cleaned up.

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