Sunday, September 25, 2011

I laughed, I cried, it moved me

It is general conference season again! We had our special meeting for the women of the church last night. Several nice talk that I will mention later but for now.... President Uctdorft. All I can say is I love that man. Please, please, please take the time to watch this. It is amazing. I was in tears for most of it. It hit my heart so hard.

Here is the text if you would prefere to read along.
You will not spend a better 21 minutes today, then listening to this talk.

I am so grateful for modern revelation and prophets, for general authorities and technology. It makes my heart happier.


  1. Did you get your title from a Veggie Tales quote? " I laughed, I moved me Bob"

  2. Of COURSE she did! And I loved that talk! Here is a really cute Reminder/Printable I found.

  3. Yes Darcy I did. Thank you Prism.
