Monday, June 27, 2011

See ya in a month!

Let me start by saying I am NOT currently pregnant.

However, one of my memories of previous pregnancies is how annoying it is to constantly have Dr's appointments.   

If you have little experience with pregnancy let me share some of the fun with you.

The Doctor expects you to show up for appointments once a month. (Where all they do is have you pee in a cup and measure you, listen to the baby's heart beat and tell you to go schedule another appointment.) As the pregnancy progresses into the third trimester (last 3 months) they want you in more often. Every two weeks at this stage. In the last month they want you to visit every week.

This may not be how it works with every doctor. This has been my experience. I know they have reasons and it helps them catch problems, that isn't my focus in this post.

I just find it so tedious. Finding a babysitter that often for what seems like a real waste of time just doesn't feel worth it.

Switching gears now, Phebe is still dealing with fluid in her ears. So we took our trip to the specialist. She has had this problem for at least 2 months now. I arrange to have the car. I find a wonderful neighbor willing to watch the other 3 kids.

Her name is finally called, we are seated in a fabulous room just packed with gadgets and tools and chords and all kinds of fun if you are an 18 month old. We wrestle in that room for what seems like a good while. Oh yes, the nice nurse turned on Sponge bob for her, but she is 18 months old. So her attention span isn't up for that long.

After what seems like way too long in comes the specialist. He is very kind. He speaks to me very respectfully and explains things to me.

Then he says "ok, we aren't going to do anything now, come back in a month."
Dang it. I wanted to get this taken care of now. I don't want to have monthly visits for my baby now that she is born. I felt like I was suddenly in prenatal care.

So in a month we get to go back and do it again. Though he seemed almost giddy at the idea of her having another infection and having her come in so he could see it. (Fluid and infection are not synonomous.) It looks like he may just get his wish. I can only hope if she does have another infection we can get tubes and be done with this drama.

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