Monday, January 24, 2011


This past year during the Christmas season, we found an advent calendar  in the "Friend" magazine we get.  My kids enjoyed it. During the time we had it up Victor told me he wanted to take it to his teacher about, mm... 6 times. I tend to shy away from sending religious stuff to school. They get all nutty over that stuff sometimes.When it came time to take down the Christmas stuff I asked if we should save it for another year, or throw it out.

I was reminded AGAIN that Victor's teacher was in desperate need of having that calendar. So I put it in a manila envelope, wrote a note that went something along the lines of :

"Victor is convinced that you need to have this. We mean not offense by sharing this with you, if you don't want it just throw it away. Thanks for your work as a teacher. We appreciate your efforts."

Probably not the most inspiring note I have ever written. But I stuck it in his backpack and forgot all about it.

He came home from school the day that he gave it to her and said "She loved it! She is going to share it with her kids every year! She thinks it is great!" Later I received this email:

"Thank you so much for allowing Victor to give me the advent calendar. You have no idea how much it touched me today! You could never offend me. I love the Lord and have a very close relationship with Him. I am very spiritual and only wish I could share more of that with my children here at school. I was so blessed by Victor's gesture. He is such a special little boy and I love the values you have instilled in him!! I told him I would save that calendar and next year at Christmas, I will share that with my own children.

Thanks again for being so wonderful! The calendar was the nicest gift I've ever received as a teacher."

Well don't I just feel like a loser for trying to talk him out of it. Next time my child has an idea like that, we are just going to go with it. (If nothing else, I can just blame that child if it doesn't work out well.)

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