Friday, January 14, 2011

Self Discipline

Right now my biggest emphasis is on self discipline, for myself. After a lot of thought and prayer I realised that if I can be more in control of my thoughts and actions a lot of my other issues will be taken care of. So there are somethings that I need to change.

The 3 biggest things that I need to do to show myself that I am gaining better control are :
  1. Getting up and exercising in the morning.
  2. Staying off the computer while my kids are awake.
  3. Avoiding the consumption of chocolate/ candy. Eating healthier is kind of a secondary part of this goal.
I decided to do these things about a month or so ago. The progress report is.... dismal.
I am doing so badly. Having discipline is so hard for me. The kids are playing a game, why can't I just check Facebook real quick? I ate a healthy lunch, a Hershey kiss sounds really good. I was up off and on all night with kids, I am too tired to get up and exercise.

One area I am really strong in is the rationalization department. Too bad that won't get me anywhere I want to go.

This morning I did it. I got up and went downstairs to exercise. My idea with doing it that early is that I can be alone, stay focused and then make breakfast for my kids. Maybe have time to read my scriptures in the quiet, or possibly clean the kitchen so they can have more of my time.

I walked into the kitchen for a glass of water. When I came out I heard my husband talking to someone. One of my children was already up. Her father was excited to have her come eat cereal with him before he went to work. It isn't as if I am going to break up their little party. What is this? Another child has heard the excitement and is coming down the stairs. They got to hang out with dad before he left for work. Very cool.

Then the toddler woke up. Then the toddler woke up the baby.

So much for getting stuff done before they were awake.

I did however get up early, which was one of my goals. I ate pretty well, and with good portion control, which I followed with a Butterfinger.(Half of the candy bar is laying on the counter. I am praciticing self control, sort of.) And there were a few impulses to get on line that I ignored. There were a few that were answered though.

I hope I can have another day to try a little harder. I will be in control.

1 comment:

  1. At least your practicing! Isn't it interesting how english lets us say we're "practicing" something that we're (theoretically) doing? very appropriate, I think.
