Friday, April 12, 2013

Yay! Another one!

In case you haven't been let in on the secret yet, I am pregnant.

Yes. Seriously. Baby number 5 should be joining us at the beginning of October. Our whole family is very excited. Since I have a boys and girls already I will not purposely find out the gender of this baby. I like surprises.

Phebe has declared it will be a girl and will be named "Monster Baby." Her other suggestion was "Cuteness".
Naomi squealed with joy and asked if she was allowed to tell Dad. Dad did a good job of acting surprised by the announcement.
Victor was the one who finally demanded to know why I was suddenly sick all the time.
Caleb just grinned a lot.

Here are some of my random thoughts on pregnancy. I thoroughly detest terms like "preggers","prego", "knocked up" and such. It just makes me cringe.

I also don't understand why the hardest part (at least for me) is the very first part where I am sick constantly, and yet that is when I am not ready to tell the world yet. It is hard not to look like a weirdo with no explanation as to why you keep being on the verge of vomiting.

Here is a bit of unsolicited advice. When dealing with a pregnant woman just tell her she is looking good. Don't say things like "You look huge", "They must have the due date wrong, you are much too large for that", "You look like you are going to pop any moment now, seriously." What on earth am I supposed to say to a comment like that? I have a smiled and mumbled many times, but I don't know how many more times I can muster a smile for dumb comments like that.

Another annoying thing to say is "You're done after this right?" Don't say it. It makes it sound like I am physically stealing the food from your table to feed this growing mob in my house that I am too irresponsible to take care of. Maybe I am done. Maybe I'm not. Maybe you should just be glad Phebe isn't packing lunches at your house. But without her packing lunches, you also miss out on her hysterical logic leaps and constant praise of how "cute you are" and how much she loves you. Kids definitely have their upsides... and their sticky sides.

I guess you could ask if there is a specific number of children we wanted if it means that much to you. The answer is "not really, we'll see where we end up."

I love my kids, I am glad that we have been blessed with them. They truly enrich my life. Though if you ever have a craving for baby love, or toddler love, or preschooler love, or grade schooler love, you are always welcome to come by and enjoy some.


  1. I think the proper response to those stupid comments is "Thanks--so do you"! Just spread the awkward around! And, since your children are the delight of our lives (even Alex, who claims not to like kids, likes yours), Thank you!

  2. Have you heard/seen the Jim Gaffigan "Four Kids" routine? My mom (a mother of four herself) thought it was pretty on point w/r/t how people react.
