Thursday, April 11, 2013

Let's dance

Today is one of those days where I should accomplish something. However I can't say I feel like I have much to show for it. I worked on my lesson for Sunday. I snuggled a sick girl and survived a brief stint of babysitting. Then for naps and the chiropractor. OK, that list almost makes it sound like I did something. My house screams otherwise. Sadly, much of my feelings of accomplishment are tied to the state of my house. You would think it would be clean more often then....

Here is what I found and enjoyed while snuggling sick little Phebe (who by the way is much calmer when nearly unconscious.)

My husband shared this video with me. My kids and I have watched it about 18 times today. I catch new things every time. These guys are amazing. So fun.

I think there may need to be a seizure warning on this next video. It is incredible, but also very strobe

Victor and I couldn't even figure out how many dancer there were for a long time. I'm still not sure we got the total count correct.

I love it when people work hard on their talents and share them. It makes me smile.

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