Sunday, April 7, 2013

A spot of honey

The other morning I was helping kids get their rooms clean before school. Naomi had made a piñata for Caleb's birthday, so when Phebe wandered away I figured she was sneaking candy. I didn't really want her doing that but I was in the middle of something and eating a few pieces of candy isn't really that big of a deal.

Eventually she wandered back upstairs and informed me she had some honey in her hair. Um.. Ok. Well go rinse it out then... So she rinsed her hair out and I asked her how she got honey in her hair.

" I was packing my lunch"

Uh... You're three. Let's go see what kind of lunch you packed. She had taken a tupperware container, dumped nearly a pound of honey inside and then hid it in a pop up tunnel. Of course she can't really get the lid on tight and so it has spilled a bit in the tunnel. I guess my husband had warmed it up to use that morning so it was good and liquidy.  The kitchen floor was sticky. She was sticky. The computer desk was sticky. Ethan stuck to his chair when he sat down for dinner.

It could have been much worse. She constantly reminds me that she will never go hungry, she is far too good at taking care of herself for that.

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday Emma was pouring herself spoons full of honey for her snack! Great minds, eh? On friday, we went to pick up our hive, and they had a tasting station with tiny sample spoons for trying the different varieties-- apparently she learned 2 things: that stuff tastes GOOD, and the proper way to eat honey is licking it off a spoon! It was reaaly cute, she did a good job on the pouring, and I hope it helps her cold!
