Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The question answered and random stuff.

Hi, my name is Vanessa. I am a slacking blogger. Sorry for the utter lack of any posts at all. Plenty of cool stuff going on here. I just have been being part of that cool stuff and not hanging out on the internet.

OK, the answer to the last who am I, was indeed Neil L Andersen. Good job Meggan and Darcy my daring contestants who got the correct answer. You can learn more about Elder Andersen here.

Here is his talk in the most recent general conference-

Good stuff in there I tell you.


In other news-

The baby is crawling and now has a tooth.

We were given free tickets to see the Pittsburgh Symphony do their student side by side performance. There are high school students who help put together the whole ordeal and students who actually  perform next to the professionals. You can find out more about the program here.  The music selections were fantastic. My oldest 3 children and I went down with a friend and their children. It was a truly lovely evening. Of course my kids were not crushed when they handed out ice cream sandwiches at the end. 

My husband is in a play. A very funny play. I am excited for him. I love his desire to do things outside of his comfort zone like this.

I have been working on processing beeswax. I have been taking pictures a long the way and will soon do a blog about it. I think it is pretty awesome.

Tonight we will feed the missionaries. We are going to have coconut curried stew because that fills me with happiness, and my family likes it. I hope the missionaries do too.

Then to activity days and scouts.

Yay for life and things to do!

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