Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It's just boogers

Me: Caleb what were you doing up there?
C: I was just getting Victor's money.
Me: Why?
C: So I can buy something for him.
Me: I see. What did you get all over your face.( looking at the smears of dirt all over.)
C: It's just boogers.

I don't think I have ever seen boogers like that before. And being the parent of 4 I have seen many boogers.

So if you were a 3 year old who didn't want to nap what would you do for two hours quietly?

Here are some of Caleb's suggestions-

  • Dump out all of the unsorted socks into a castle.
  • Raid your brother's piggy bank.
  • Ransack your brother's hockey bag.
  • Look at many many books, leaving them all over the floor.
Last but not least.....
  • Sprinkle all the pieces to a 1,000 piece puzzle all over the other things you have just gotten out.

I am pleased to tell you I did not get irate. I simply stood there supervising and encouraging his clean up efforts. Then we wrapped a rubber bracelet around the castle tower and played it like it was a guitar. There is something so magical in his giggle.

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