Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ear aches

What seems like a long time ago, I took my very ill daughter and seemingly well youngest son in to the doctor's office for "healthy kid check ups". During the visit it was discovered that Caleb's ears were infected. Hm.. I didn't realise that.

Poor Phebe had been vomiting for days and was incredibly lethargic. He looked at her and started discussing with me his concern that her ear drums might rupture due to how incredibly infected they were.

I was stunned. I didn't realise it was her ears giving her a problem at all. I thought she had a stomach virus. He was giving me very specific instructions on what symptoms to watch for in case of a rupture. It was kind of scary.

Then we scheduled the check up in 3 weeks to make sure it was cleared up.

Fast forward 3 weeks-
Caleb- looks great.
Phebe- better, still fluid in there.

On to another round of antibiotics. Another appointment in 3 weeks.

Fast forward again-
Today's visit reveals there is still fluid in there. Really? Come on. How long is this supposed to go on? She acts fine. So we are on to the 3rd round of antibiotics. With an appointment with the ear/nose/throat specialist scheduled.

In a way, I am kind of hoping to just get tubes in there and be done with this drama.

I know that this isn't a big deal. None of this has been out of pocket expense, I have been able to walk to every appointment, the kids have been very cooperative. Plus there are WAY more serious problems other parents deal with. I am incredibly grateful that this has been our most serious issue thus far.

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