Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I know he loves me.

I am taking just a minute here to tell you about some of the ways I know my husband loves me.

  • He tells me so.
  • He hugs and kisses and cuddles me.
  • He makes me laugh.
  • He talks to me.
  • He was willing to buy me a dehumidifier for Mother's day. He likes to get fun gifts, I really wanted that dehumidifier.
  • He bought a new latch and installed it on the screen door for me.
  • He listens to me when I talk.
  • He helps out with things around the house.
  • He looks for things he think I would enjoy. Such as "The Fancy Pants Adventures!" I really do enjoy it.
  • He doesn't get upset at me when I goof things up, which I have done WAY too much lately.
  • He tries his hardest to make sure that when I want to do something I can.
  • He takes me to church and the temple.
  • He lets me be part of this life.
  • He is very thoughtful.
  • He goes to work to support our family.
  • He has given me the opportunity to stay home with our children.
I am glad I have such a wonderful husband. He works so hard for me. He makes my life so much better. I am grateful he is in my life.

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