Thursday, May 19, 2011


The other day Naomi took a nap with me. She was dead to the world. When she sleeps, she REALLY sleeps. She was asleep for an hour and a half. I sat there looking at her for a few minutes before she woke up.

When it was time to wake up she popped her eyes open and looked at me, then announced " Mom, I didn't even close my eyes at all during nap time!"

Me: Really? It seemed like you were asleep.
N: Nope, I didn't sleep at all.
M: Hm... are you sure you didn't sleep?
N: No, I didn't sleep. I was awake the whole time.
Me: Oh, well you were very convincing. You had me fooled.
N: That's cause I'm the trickiest trickster!
Me: Why so you are.

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