Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Nose issues

We had a very serious incident at the dinner table this evening.

Naomi stole her father's nose. It was a bit alarming. Ethan called out for my attention as our now 5 year old sat there with her fathers nose between her fingers.

We told her that he needed it back. He would look silly, couldn't smell anymore, would have to hold his glasses up with his hands.

 After all these pleas she took a very disturbing course of action.

She ate it. She sat there and chomped that nose right down, there at the dinner table.

She giggled hysterically as she chewed and swallowed that nose. When we asked what Dad was going to do without that nose, she finally consented to return it. But how? She had already eaten it.

She "choked" it back out for him. Finally she put it back in place.

Luckily she doesn't seem to chew her food very thoroughly, as the nose seems undamaged.

I had tears pouring down my face from laughing so hard.
Why would anyone NOT want to have children. Think of the things you are missing out on.

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