Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Frustration

One of the things I find excruciatingly frustrating as a mother is that I clean up messes.

I know that is part of being a mom. I should get over it.

Messes do drive me crazy, some days more than others. Especially messes that don't need to happen. Such as putting your cup to close to the edge of the table and knocking it off. Didn't need to happen.

Today's infuriation happens to be.... (drum roll)....

Cleaning up the same thing, over and over and over and over.

We received a very cool card in the mail ( thank you Marie) that I put on the fridge. Every time I turn around it is on the floor. I have picked it up about 8 times now. How many times do you need to scale the fridge to look at it already? Can't you just admire it from ground level? And why can't you just out it back if you do knock it down?

I know this isn't that big of a deal. But for the moment it is driving me nuts.

It is along the lines of - why on earth are there so many toys on my kitchen floor? Why can't you play where the toys belong? And if you can't play there- why are you abandoning them in here? I don't need to trip on Hot Wheels, swords and teddy bears while I make dinner!

And you were admiring me for enjoying the stage they are in.....

1 comment:

  1. Hang the card lower.
    Put a toybox in the kitchen.
    Don't forget to breathe.
