Sunday, January 8, 2012

An End to My Silence

I am not a confrontational person. I do not seek conflict. I fear that some may see my silence as affirmation of their opinions. This is not always so.

Today I wish to send a clear message. You may or may not agree with me. You are under no obligation to do so. I want you to understand I do not share with you in hopes of inciting an argument. Feel free to express your sentiment in the comment section; please do so with the respect with which I write this post.

Gay marriage.

Logically I can see the arguments in its favor. Two consenting adults making a choice. "They love each other. Why can't they have the same rights as others to marry? They aren't hurting anybody." I get it.

When I say I don't agree, don't bother sending me your angry rants. Honestly, I really can see how it is a compelling case. That is why it has taken me so long with my response. I have been thinking about this for a significant period of time.

Each of us are here on earth. Each of us are different.  I am sure you know this. How many children's songs and books have we been exposed to celebrating our differences? It is blatantly obvious.

With all those differences come a variety of weaknesses. We all have them. Some are more obvious than others. Some of us struggle with drug addictions. Others with aggression problems. Most of us know people who deal with depression. There are people who are lazy, alcoholics or just plain judgemental.

There are people who are attracted to their same sex. 

Here we are on earth. All of us having the mortal experience. Have you ever wondered why? Have you ever questioned why you are here?

You are here, now, in this body, in this cirumstance to learn.

You lived before you came here. You had likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. And you brought them with you.

You are here to learn. One of those many things you must learn in this mortal state is to overcome. You must learn to overcome those weaknesses you carried over. It isn't OK to say " I have a bad temper" and just live the rest of your life like that. You are to learn to master that temper.

-The drug addict must master the addiction.

-The lazy must learn to work hard.

-The judgemental must learn to let go of their personal condemnations.

-The gay must learn to control the desires they have.

-The depressed must work to see the good in the world.

Have you ever desired to do something inappropriate? I have.

Have you ever wanted to just hit someone when you know you shouldn't? Maybe you wanted to take what didn't belong to you. Maybe you wanted to simply run away from all your problems and abandon those who rely on you. Possibly you wanted to run that awful SUV that cut you off into the ditch. Ever cheated? Ever gossiped? Ever flipped out and said some truly hurtful things?

We all have impulses. An impulse by itself does not make someone good or bad. You are not evil because that obnoxious brat was just screaming to have this face slapped. You have made a good choice when you resisited, for finding a different course of action; for finding a way to curb that impulse.

Some impulses are stronger than others. I have great admiration for those that have over come strong incorrect  impulses and learned to live on a higher ground.

Here is my point- There may be those in this world who have the desire to be married to one of their own sex. I do not support this action. I do not support giving in and embracing a tendancy that is incorrect. I suppose you may be sitting there thinking "Who are you to say it is incorrect or unacceptable?" Nobody, I am nobody to decide what is right and wrong. There are in this world rights and wrongs declared  by God, creator and ruler of this world not by man.

The drug addict should not announce that he was "made like this" and waste his life away high.

He who has an anger problem can not go through life hurting everyone around him because he was "born that way."

I wish you to also see that I do not wish to condemn gay people to a life of misery, of never being able to be with a loved one. I can not even imagine how hard for some it will be to work through this challenge, I hope they are able to find the love and acceptance they desire and deserve in an appropriate relationships.

We all need love. We all are loved, even if it is hard to tell during some moments. By becoming masters of our emotions and desires we can achieve the  potential we each divinely inherited.

Remember-"You are destined for more than you can possibly imagine."

-President Uchtdorf.

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