Saturday, January 21, 2012

Oh, emotions

For Christmas I got "Ramona the Brave", by Beverly Cleary, for Naomi. I have been reading it out loud to my children at bedtime.

One reason I grabbed that book was because of a woman at church who frequently tells me that Naomi reminds her of Ramona. It had been a very long time since I had read anything about that character.

She was right. Naomi is very much like Ramona. Beverly Cleary really nailed that personality and her world. As I read this book people kept telling this six year old to " grow up." but poor Ramona is left standing there saying" can't you see that is what I Am trying to do?"

Tonight while reading we hit the climax. She is terrified of sleeping in her new room alone, her teacher dislikes her, her parents don't take her seriously, her older sister seems to be more loved and Ramona doesn't understand how she gets into trouble so often. As I am reading the conversation between she and her parents I have tears running down my face. Ridiculous, I know. My kids catch on and start getting upset that mom is crying. Truth is, I understand. Oh, I have been there and felt like that. I can also see my kids feeling like that.

I cant say I a proud I was crying over a children's book, it isn't the first time though. I am really grateful for the reminder of what it is like to not be taken seriously. I am going to try to be a bit better at seeing the world through others lenses.

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