Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Reading with my echo

Our local church leadership has challenged us to read the 2 pages of the Book of Mormon every day this year. They have been building this up for the last few months. Getting everybody set to do it. Our stake primary presidency (Stake= churches of the same religion in this area, Primary= children's organization) decided this was a challenge that should not be left only to adults.

So each of my children has been given their own copy of the book along with a book mark. Only eldest child can read. I can not tell you how it warmed my heart the day those books were given to them. After church Victor and Naomi sat down side by side and he read out loud to her as she pretended she was following along.

The next day Victor came home from school telling me about his list of important things he needed to get done. Snack, homework, his 2 pages. And he did it.

Now, I won't let you believe that he has continued to be quite that dedicated. He is still reading but he needs a reminder. Now Naomi... I have decided we will sit down after kindergarten and read her pages. She is less than thrilled, but likes being able to mark her progress on the chart so she cooperates. 

Then there is Caleb. He is 3. He just graduated to primary. He certainly in no way is near reading. But to feel like he belonged in primary he has his book too. I couldn't see a reason why we can't work on reading with him. I can't say I expect him to sit through it all. But today he made me so very happy.

I was going to sit down and read to him. I gave him his own chart so he could see his progress. As we sat down he declared that he was going to do the reading. He wasn't going to sit and listen to me read to him. So he repeated every word that I said. We went through verse after verse with me reading a line and his echo. Did we complete 2 pages? No. We didn't. But I don't think that matters in this situation. What matters is that my 3 year old wants to read scriptures. That child came to me while I prepared dinner and asked if we could sit down and read more.

Are my kids always begging for scripture study? No. But can I revel in moments when they are excited and love them. Why do I spend so much time worrying about how clean the house is when there are so many more important things to do?

Tomorrow I will make more time for my little echo.

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