Thursday, November 14, 2013

A look into their world

Child Behavior Ilg, Frances L./ Ames, Louise Bates/ Baker, Sidney 1 of 1

Let me start by saying my kids are kids. They act like kids. That includes things like hugs and cuddles and cutting things up and writing on walls. It is sweet things like being mom's helper and stuffing leaves in backpacks. Since I am so heavily into the mom world I started reading a bit about them. Here are some books that I would highly recommend if you need to be the caretaker of a child, especially a strong willed child.

This book showed me that I am not actually crazy. It was very comforting.
It explained a lot of things I thought I was imagining while watching my children grow up. This is probably the number one book I would recommend if you are going to study the subject.

 This is also a very good book. It really helped me gain a better grasp on the point of discipline and how to implement it. Great insights into a preschooler's world.

I happen to have a few um... strong willed children that live with me. I love them. I think they are fantastic. Sometimes they drive me crazy. This book was very helpful in understanding the thought processes going on in their heads and how to appropriately respond to them.

I love the concept in this book. I really love the idea of "bringing out the best in your strong willed child". Not beating them into submission. Not burying the passion they posses. Teaching them how to that will correctly.

You Can't Make Me (But I Can Be Persuaded), Revised and Updated Edition: Strategies for Bringing Out the Best in Your Strong-Willed Child  -     By: Cynthia Tobias

Very easy book to relate to if you have ever watched a strong willed child.

*update* This is a great book for dealing with children's squabbles. OK, at least it would be if I remembered to use the concepts instead of just losing my temper....
When I do put the ideas into action they do seem effective. Sadly sometimes I am just a bit too emotionally reactive instead of thoughtful. I do strongly recommend this book though.

So those are my reading suggestions thus far about parenting. Not every suggestion in every book works for my kids. As is emphasized in many many books about kids, each kid is different and you have to get to know them. They offer great starting points. I also found these very helpful since the adult brain and the child brain do NOT work in the same way. Understanding the child thought process can shed serious light on the issues. 

Yes, I have read these. Yes, I found them helpful. Please do not get the idea that somehow I have mastered the parenting art. I haven't even come close. The things I have picked up have allowed me go less insane  in this world of ninjas and puppy dogs that is my house. I hope they can help you too. If you have anything you would suggest I would love to hear it in the comments. 

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