Thursday, August 11, 2011

The popcorn miracle.

If you have not been following along I would like to fill you in on a tid bit.

My 3 year old has calorie problems.

Seriously. The kid needs fed at LEAST every 2 hours. Cheese sticks and peanut butter are very important around here. If you do not get him fed at the first signs of hunger he will morph into a crying puddle of irrational sadness. 

That being said, let me share a story.

A week ago my mother and I went gallivanting around the countryside looking for little farm markets. I guess I had underestimated how long it would take and how many snacks to pack. Soon I have a little boy howling in the backseat. I asked him what he wanted. His response...


... You want popcorn?

"Yes mom, I really want popcorn."

Ok, I'll try to get you something as soon as we can. We locate the next farm market on our list and head inside. It is a lovely little store. My mom points out they have bags of flavored popcorn for sale. I take notice and will probably grab one on the way out the door. But wait...

They have a popper right in the store. With little cups beside it. I ask a woman who works there how much it costs. As I suspected, it is free.

Of all the stores I have been to in my life, there have probably been about 3 that offered complimentary popcorn. The odds are just against the coincidence.That made it possible for me to shop quickly and quietly and get back on the road.

I realise this is just a quaint little story. It meant the world to me. It meant sanity for my son. I am so grateful my Father in Heaven knows my son and me. He met our needs. That is amazing to me. Just imagine what things he has in place for my son, or me or you. Things big or small that just fall into place because he knows where we are and what we need.

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