Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Let's get this straight.

I am incredibly blessed. I married a wonderful man. While he has many fabulous traits there is only one I am going to dwell on at the moment.

He is a great dad. Completely competent at taking care of his children. He plays with them, is patient with them, remembers to give them their medicine when needed ( way more consistently than myself).  He cuddles and reads and sings songs and dances with them. He is awesome. I am so glad he is the father of my children.

Switching gears slightly I am going to discuss a sentiment I hear surprisingly often. As I am leaving a meeting or event "Got to hurry home and save your husband from babysitting huh?"

Did you spot the problem with that question?

It is the word "Babysitting".

My husband does not "babysit" our children. As far as I am concerned no father "babysits" his own kids. It is watching your own kids. Being responsible for them, taking care of them, teaching them silly or important things, it is not babysitting your own kids.

It is fulfilling the same kind of responsibilities that I generally do during the day. I do not babysit my children everyday. A father who is home with the kids is not babysitting either.

He is being a dad. I am grateful to have a husband who can step up like a man and act like a Dad.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! I was just thinking about this the other day. It drives me crazy when people talk about dad's babysitting their kids. They are parenting. At least, hopefully that is what they are doing.
