Sunday, June 27, 2010

Watermelon dangers

Last Sunday we had a serious crisis occur. Luckily it was short lived and the victim recovered quickly.

Our kitchen has brown and cream striped linoleum. Oh yes, VERY classy. While making lunch after church Naomi (4 yr now.) was jumping over the dark brown strips and announced-" Those are the watermelon lines."

Me: "What happens if you step on a watermelon line?"
Naomi :" You turn into a watermelon." Suddenly looks at Dad- "OH NO! Dad you are standing on a watermelon line! Poof! You're a watermelon."
Ethan had been standing there amused started losing it and tried to ask her a question while laughing: "But Naomi..."
Naomi: "NO! You're a watermelon, you don't have eyes or a mouth or a body, you can't talk."
Ethan then started sinking to the floor laughing hysterically in his watermelon form.
Me :" Naomi, how do we get Daddy back?"
Naomi, nonchalantly :"He'll regenerate in an hour or so."

Luckily Naomi doesn't last that long and allowed him to regenerate with in 2 minutes. It was nice to have my husband back. Though he was rather fun to have curled up in a ball laughing as a watermelon.

It was very humorous.

1 comment:

  1. I love your family so much. Soooooo much. Discovering that your children have turned out as hilariously retarded as your husband just makes everything like a thousand times better. Just until they're old enough to pick up your sarcasm. :D
