Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Take it easy

I think we all are familiar with, or are, those people who become extremely opinionated online. Yes, we have opinions in our personal lives too, but it is so much easier to spew them passionately from the anonymity of our computer. I have read many things and seen example after example of people saying truly terrible things online.

We have all heard or known people who have died or been hurt because of poor judgement moments. How easy it is to cast stones. 
Shouldn't have been driving so fast.
Everybody knows drugs are bad for you.
Well that is what you get for drinking so much.
Serves them right playing with fire.
How utterly irresponsible they were for .....

Yea, you might be right. Sometimes those really are the natural consequences of an action. Someday you may look at your kid walking down a bad path and say "I knew a person who did_________ and this is what happened to them."

Learning is an important part of growing.
Condemning is not.

When I read a news story of someone who died, possibly doing something a bit reckless, there are always lots of comments about what an idiot that person was. I admit, I have had thoughts along those lines. However as I have pondered those replies what comes to my mind is this-

The person you are condemning is dead. Maybe that is why you feel so comfortable beating on them, I don't know. However the only one left to read your opinion of what happened is their mourning loved ones. How painful must it be to know that your loved one died in a way that could have been avoided? How much worse to have a group of strangers continue to bad mouth your loved one once they are gone? It isn't as if the dead is now going to live differently now that you have voiced your opinion on their decision. 

Life is hard sometimes. We all have loved ones who make choices contrary to what we view as best. Why must we make it harder on one another by being so unkind? 

Express your condolences for their loss,  learn the lesson from it if you need, and then move on your way. Mean comments do not make you a better person. 

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