Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I know I haven't updated in a while. I know that bothers the um... 3 audience members I have.

Things are going well. Ethan still works where he does. Victor still leaves his legos everywhere. Naomi still hates school. Caleb still just grins shyly at people, but shares funny little insights with those closest to him.. Phebe continues makes everyone laugh by her nonstop chatter about completely random stuff. She even tried to tell the chiropractor how to do his job yesterday. I am trying to get my list of goals done before the baby comes. I probably have 4 more weeks if we go by history, but technically I am due in just two.

The primary program is coming up. Primary is the children's organization at church. One Sunday a year they are completely in charge of the big church meeting (sacrament meeting is what we call it.) They all get the opportunity to speak in front of everyone about what they learned that year. They share the songs they have worked so hard on. I love it. If you are in the area and want to come we gladly welcome you on October 20th. I am just hoping I either don't have a baby by then or have the baby this week so I can go. I love the primary program.

I also wanted to share this video that really touches me. It makes me so sad during part of it and makes me want to try harder, to pay attention to my choices, to be better. Ok, I admit it is specifically addressing pornography, but I really do think that it can apply to so many other bad decisions that can be made.

So watch your step.

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