Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Oh yea

I also meant to share this with you.

This blog entry titled "Dear Parents, you need to control your kids. Sincerely non-parents."

Ok, So I have never heard of it before. I don't know that I would love the whole blog, but I did enjoy that particular article. I enjoyed it because-

A. It was so true. If you have ever been a parent you have been in these circumstances
B. The mom involved is like a super hero.
C. The guy stands up for her to a complete stranger.
D. The author is hysterical. I love his electronics rant. I can not express to you how hard I laughed about his non- existent technology policy.

So take a minute parent or not, and enjoy.


  1. I'm afraid I agree with the angry guy. In general, unless it's a specifically kid-focused event or place, I think children should be left at home. If I had the patience to deal with ill behaved children, I might consider having one, but since I don't, I'd like to be able to buy my groceries without being bothered.

  2. I have read a few of his posts, and I've enjoyed all of them so far. He had one on breastfeeding, and another one, but I can't remember what it was about.

    Anyway, I did really enjoy the part about the electronics. Thanks for sharing!
