Monday, March 21, 2011

Parenting styles

Possibly it is just my personality.
Possibly it is my circumstances.
Possibly is is a flaw.

What ever the cause happens to be, I seem to find more and more I am rather different than the mothers around me.

In the last week I have had 2 conversations with really awesome women about getting kids ready for school in the morning. I will spare you all the details. The thing I found interesting is that they both pick out the clothes their children will wear and pack their lunches.

As I said, maybe I am just flawed.

Before I ever see my son in the morning, I expect him to have made his bed, said his prayers and be dressed for school.

Even if I am still sleeping I expect him to get this done.

80% of the time he is actually dressed. Bed making, prayers.... we'll just say the percentage isn't quite as high.

After that is onto getting himself breakfast and packing his own lunch.

Maybe I am just a heartless mom but I honestly expect my child to be able to handle such things because:
A: I believe he is old enough.
B: He needs to learn to take care of himself.
C: I have other kids who need way more care.

I do not want this post to come across as offensive or mocking to those that do such things for their children. This is just my parenting style. Your children were sent to you on purpose. Mine were sent to me for a reason. Perhaps this is what my family needs. What your family needs will most likely be different.

One of the flaws, I prefer to think of it as a trait,  that I have is the intolerance for assumptions. Do not assume I will make you breakfast. Do not assume I will wake you up in the morning. If I wake up and decide that I want to make waffles for you I want it to be a fun surprise, not a disappointment that mom doesn't have time today.

Once in a while I am in the kind of mood to surprise. I love seeing my son's face when I hand him his already packed lunch. But I am also glad he is fully capable of packing it if I decide not to.

In the end my job is to teach. Whether I am actively pursuing a teaching career or not, my children are learning. Good or bad, they continue to absorb.  I am trying to teach life lessons. I will try to set a good example.

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