Thursday, March 31, 2011

A miracle

Pretty much no matter what I make there will be at least one compliant stating that for some reason or another this dinner is unacceptable. On occasion we might have something along the lines of tator tots, fish sticks, chicken nuggets etc. I have few problems those nights. However I just can't feel good about feeding my kids that stuff all the time. ( Even if I occasionally enjoy it.)

Tonight I tried a new dish.  Beef potpie. I took my chicken potpie recipe and dumped canned beef in in place of the chicken. Pure culinary genius, I know.

Bracing myself for the barrage of disgust, I sat down to eat. There were minimal comments on what we were having. Toward the end of the meal we had a conversation that went something like this:

V: I love potpie mom!
N: Yea! It is so good! It is my favorite!
V: I love the crust best!
N: The crust is really really yummy.
Me: Thanks guys, I am glad you like it. I try to make things you like.
N: Mom you are a really good cook!
( At this point I am so happy. I am an alright cook, but my kids don't seem to realize it most of the time.
V: Yea, you are really good at cooking, but I bet Mrs. Hilliard is better ( his teacher at school.)

Um... thanks guys.

At least we didn't have a fight over whether or not they actually had to EAT any of it.


  1. My kids compared everything I did to what their teachers when they were little. Now it warms my heart when they come home from somewhere, tell me what they did, and then say something like, 'it was good but yours it better.' What a relief when I was finally smarter than their teachers, or at least an equal.

  2. At our house, everything is evenly split-if someone loves it, the other one hates it. Never fails. Ah, well!
