Wednesday, December 24, 2014

My Gift

It is Christmas and I have a gift for you.

It isn't a big gift, though it has taken me a while to accumulate all of it.

My gift is my testimony.

I share it with you because I know that my life is better because of my testimony and I want your life to be as wonderful as possible.

 I know that Jesus Christ was born here on Earth. I know that he lived, setting an example we should follow. An example of love and kindness, an example of of compassion and humility. He set an example of accepting the Father's will. I know that He went through with the atonement because He loved us. Me, you, everyone around us, everyone that has been, everyone that will be, He suffered and died just to help us.

I know that because of Him my sins can be forgiven. I can repent of  those ridiculous sins that I commit over and over, or the sins that come through just blatant disdain. Forgiveness is possible. Possible for me. Possible for you.

I know that because He was resurrected I too will be. And that all of us will. That these bodies that house our immortal spirits will be perfected. That illness and pain will cease. I know that God loves us enough to put us where we will be most comfortable in the life to come. Be that in His presence, or elsewhere. Because He loves us.

That love is what this life is all about. We lived before we came here. Our glorious Father in Heaven created an entire world and bodies for each of us so that we could come down and experience mortality. That through those experiences we could learn and be more like Him. He has given us this life to grow. Those trials and hardships, or mild inconveniences, help us to see with a more eternal perspective- if we allow it.

I know that in 1820 Joseph Smith Jr had a question about his faith and sought an answer in prayer. I know that  he received an answer. I know, because I have prayed for myself, that he really did see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know that because of that prayer the fullness of Christ's gospel has been restored.

I know that restoration of Christ's church includes a living prophet. I am so grateful for the prophets of old who have left their teachings in the scriptures. I am also grateful for a modern prophet, currently Thomas S. Monson. I accept his teachings as additional teachings from God. General Conference is one of my favorite times of year thanks to the blessing of a living prophet. I can listen to his teachings. I am blessed and inspired when I live by them. He teaches love and I feel that sincere love that radiates from him. I know that he is called of God.

I know that restoration of priesthood authority is real. I know that because of the priesthood I was able to go to the temple and be sealed to my best friend. That because of that ceremony, if I live up to my end of the promise, that I can have my husband and children, my family back after death. I know that someday I will see my father and my baby sister, whom I had never known. I know that their existence has not ended. Nor have any of your loved ones ceased to be. I believe in eternal families, not just mine, but that yours can be too. Make those bonds strong, they matter not just here but in the world to come. I can also testify of the sweet comfort that can come through a priesthood blessing. I am grateful that any worthy man can carry this authority and bless his sphere of influence.

I testify of the power of prayer. I know with all my heart that my Father in Heaven hears me when I call on Him. That He is aware of me and my needs. That He knows exactly what is best for me and seeks to bless me. I know that he has answered the most trivial musings or soul searching prayers I have ever uttered aloud or in my heart. Has he given me what I always think I want? Of course not! Do I give my own children exactly what they think they want every time? No, because I have a greater understanding of what they need then they do. My Heavenly Father knows what I really need and when I really need it. He provides tender mercies along my way that serve as a reminder that he loves me and knows what I need. Sometimes it is the right lyrics in a song, or the perfect comment someone makes .The store that gave out popcorn when my hungry little boy had just asked for popcorn. He reminds me of His love and compassion frequently in small and personal ways. He does this because He knows who I am, where I am, what I need..If you stop to look, and open your heart with gratitude you will see that He does this for you too.

I know that studying the scriptures brings real blessings. I can testify of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. I have studied it, I have prayed about it. I continue to gain insights from it. If you have never read it, please do. If you don't have a copy, find a missionary or to go Make friends with a Latterday Saint and ask them for a copy, I personally will send you a copy.  Read this book. It will change your life for the good. For more than a decade I have studied the scriptures (Book or Mormon and Bible both) on a daily basis. Within the last year I have tried to give it more center part in my day. I have worked to make sure that I really used that as a time to learn and commune with God. With 5 children running around it hasn't always been easy. But by trying to remember to seek for things of eternal worth before things of this world, my world has changed. I can testify that there has been a positive change in my life.Putting God first makes life so much more wonderful.

I know that the Holy Ghost is real. And with that knowledge comes gratitude. I don't even want to imagine how much harder life would be if I did not have the influence, the comfort, the peace that He is able to bless me with. I am not perfect or even very good at hearing and heeding those promptings. But I continue to try. I pray that someday I will be good at it. That I will be able to see with spiritual eyes and be a blessing to those around me.

I testify of tithing. I have seen miracle after miracle that has come from tithing. I want to clear something up. God does not need your money. The Creator of this planet, of this universe has no NEED of your tiny offering. He has given us this law so we can chose to receive blessings. My family has received these blessings. There is no possible way that we could get along without tithing. Fortunately we don't have to. Tithing blesses my life and those around me. I am so grateful for it.

I know that there are angels around us. I never saw them quite as clearly before I had children. Now that I am a mom I can testify without a shadow of a doubt that there are angels on this Earth to help us. I know that miracles can happen. I know that frequently you can see and touch and talk to because they are the friends, neighbors, family and strangers around us.

I hope you know that I am always open to discussing faith with you. If you have a question please just ask.

This is my testimony. I know my Savior lives. He did die, but he lives again. He lives that you and I may live again. I have shared this testimony with you because I also love you. I pray that some small part may touch your heart and help you feel the love that God in Heaven has for you.

This is my gift to you. Merry Christmas.

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