Thursday, March 6, 2014

Let's go . I mean swimming

Here is a some happenings 'round here.

I left my journal in Ohio, back in January. That has made me sad. I am glad it was finally located.

My youngest brother, Alan graduates from Air Force basic training today. He seems to have really enjoyed himself. It sounds like a nightmare to me. The few times I have spoken to him or received a letter he seems really happy. I guess it is an even better place for him than I had imagined.

Moraine State Park has a lake where we go swimming in the summer.

It is not summer, but that does not stop Phebe from requesting trips to go swimming there.

Saturday and Tuesday we went out to Moraine to go ice skating. It was lots of fun. I think it finally got through to Phebe that swimming there is not a possibility.  It was lots of fun. If you have a lovely frozen body of water I recommend enjoying it while you can. I do wonder how long it will take for that lake to resemble remotely warm water this summer though...

On a completely separate note-I appear to have misplaced my patience. I am not sure where it is. If you come across it I would really appreciate if it was returned.

Today Phebe, Ruby and I went adventuring down to the local YMCA. We filled out papers and gave them lots of money so we can be card carrying members.

I have a confession. I am not a good swimmer. I have a terrible nightmare that plays in my brain that one of my children will be drowning and I won't be strong or skilled enough to save them.

Before I finally went to the Y I made a list of pros and cons about getting a membership. Finally what tipped the scale for me is that it will give me the opportunity to get more confident at swimming thus allowing me to relax a bit when we go as a family near bodies of water. If you had ever witnessed Phebe near water you would completely understand my paranoia.

Let me give you an example.

Today after school I took all 5 kids to the Y to swim in the smaller pool. They were very excited. (Sadly my patience had checked out long before we arrived. It would have been a much nicer trip if it had joined us.) the oldest 4 walked down the stairs into the pool, pausing to see how deep it came up on them.I was holding the baby and for a split second I glanced at another child, or possibly the life guard, I don't even remember. Suddenly Phebe is completely submerged desperately struggling to get out from under the water.

That child has no concept at all of when water is too deep for her.

She did that TWICE tonight. Luckily I was within arms reach each time.  I decided to go ahead with the membership so I would be able to gain confidence in the water. That was the final tipping point. Much higher on the list was the kids could take lessons and learn to swim. I would like to avoid a more serious incident.

So on to swimming we will go!

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