For Christmas I thought it would be fun to get Caleb this tiny little Star Wars figure set. When I say tiny, I seriously mean tiny. Tiny as in about an inch tall.
Sorry the picture doesn't even let you see them well. They are kind of neat.
Caleb hasn't played with them all that much. But OK, I can't win every time I give him something I guess.
Last night he had a stroke of brilliance. We sat down to play a silly game that he had needed to save that had been inside a package of tooth past. It is called "My adventures in Tooth Kingdom." Think "Sorry" only cheesier.
It says to find dimes or other random stuff to use at game tokens.
Enter the Yoda.
These tiny little figures are the Perfect game pieces. They are tiny and all different. I love them for this purpose. It makes me smile to watch Boba Fett and R2-D2 roaming around the board trying to beat the Storm trooper.
So good.
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