Monday, February 4, 2013

Le Canne

This weekend my husband and I went out to Rhode Island for Templecon. He had the opportunity to teach other people how to play a new game that is coming out. While he ran demos I had free time.

Ethan, mentioned there was a class about "Bartitsu". I had no idea what that meant. He referenced a Sherlock Holmes fighting style. I am always up for such things so despite my lack of preregistration I showed up.

Here is Wikipedia's quick definition of it, "Bartitsu is an eclectic martial art and self-defense method originally developed in England during the years 1898–1902." So just think of it being a way for the gentle folk of Victorian England to stop being easy targets. If you have seen the Sherlock Holmes movie with Robert Downy Jr. you have seen an example of Bartitsu. Those moments where time slows down so he can analyse the perfect strikes for the most effect is the essence. Well, ok maybe not, it is supposed to be self defense but he does a fair amount of attacking. 

Our teacher Professor Mark Donnelly, as shown here-

He taught us how to defend ourselves using canes and umbrellas in addition to hands and feet. It was pretty awesome. I really enjoyed myself there. Here is a link to their Bartitsu society blog if you want more info. 

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