Friday, October 12, 2012

Sacrifices of the crafty

I don't know where it came from, but  Naomi is into crafts. She loves them. On my lawn right now are tiny ghosts made of balloons wrapped in tissue paper on sticks. She is very busy at the kitchen counter cutting up egg cartons and then taking two mounds together to make little monsters.  Then she gave me the following monologue....

Naomi: mom, I am going to hand these out to everyone when they are trick or treating . So I need you to gather candy for me when everyone else in the family goes and I stay behind. I have to hand these out and then I won't get any candy because I am at home and that isn't fair. I will be so sad when everyone else is eating candy and I don't have any. Or you could just buy a bag of candy for me to put inside all the monsters and to eat while I hand them out. That would be good. What are those candies called again? Ooh! Robins eggs! Get me robins eggs to eat while I hand these things out.

I think my favorite part of this is that it doesn't seem to occur to her that she doesn't have to stay behind, she could just trick or treat with us. Oh, the sacrifices she makes for her crafts,

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