Friday, April 2, 2010

God loves a generous heart.

I am posting to tell you that God loves a generous heart. I know this probably more than I know much else. Why occasionally I question that I don't know.

We are trying to save money. My mom stopped by this afternoon and said she was off to pick a friend up from work. This friend is a VERY hardworking woman. She could have filed for bankruptcy thanks to her ex husband. Instead she has worked hard for 3 years to pay off nearly 30,000$ in credit card debt. One of her methods of doing so is by living on things like instant breakfast. That isn't actually a method I recommend. So when I found out my mom was going to see her I ran downstairs and started grabbing some food from my storage. As I was doing this all I could think of was "why do I insist on filling this box up? We are supposed to be saving money. Yes, saving money- but God loves a generous heart. It'll be fine."

So I sent a box loaded with milk and juice and pastas and tuna fish and corn and hamburger and lots of other foods.

20 minutes later I got a phone call. My friend is going on vacation and forgot she was leaving soon when she had gone grocery shopping, thus she had lots of perishable foods she needed to get rid of.

So within 2 hours I will be getting my own little load of groceries.

You'll never out give God. He will always send you more.

1 comment:

  1. I can't tell you what a huge difference this simple principle makes in my life. No matter how little I have, if I can muster the humility and generosity to share it with others in need, I am never disappointed. I think the humility is the most important part, it's hard to get out of the mindset of being proud enough to think you deserve all you have, rather than celebrate the blessing by paying it forward.
