Wednesday, March 31, 2010


A few days ago Ethan asked his boss ( who happens to be a very successful business man) where he got the money to start his first business. What followed next was startling:

"I live with in my means."

All I could think of was the years and years of counseling from leaders of my church telling us over and over "stay out of debt, live with in your means. "etc....

This man is one of the most worldly human beings I have ever encountered. He is constantly telling people not to get married, wine is a HUGE passion, and his goal is simply to make more money. He doesn't even really do anything with what he has. He would be a charities dream come true.

He is also incredibly successful. I don't know if I have ever met a more generous soul in my life. We went to dinner one night and he tipped the waiter 1,000$!

I find it incredibly fascinating that his tip for success is live within your means.

We were already planning on doing it, but now we are working harder to put more money away for emergencies,investing, retirement, missions etc. (and as far as I am concerned for traveling)

If you have any suggestions for things I can do to cut costs at my house and or make money with minimal effort around here. Please leave them for me. Thanks!

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