Sunday, January 3, 2010

World's finest chef

I am not a fabulous cook. Working on it, but not someone anyone is going to say " Vanessa made it so it MUST be great!" I have decided that unless you are truly self motivated- the key to becoming a good cook is to have someone who likes food to cook for.

My dad must have been THE hardest human being to cook for. He would eat what ever you gave him and if asked what he thought he would say "It's ok." No matter how much he loved it or hated it. He would never really tell you what he thought. Maybe he just didn't have taste buds any more. When I was nearly 17 I remember him finally fessing up that rice gave him heartburn and had for nearly 6 years. Come one, if it gives you a problem- mention that to the cook. Seriously my mom lived in Japan for 18 months rice was a pretty big ingredient in our house. If it pains you to eat- SAY SOMETHING! Anyway...moral of the story. Due to my dads blatant lack of passion about food my mom never really became a great cook. How hard are you really gonna work to impress someone who doesn't even like food? No wonder we had spaghetti ( from a jar) so often.

My husband however LOVES food. Especially garlic and all things you can put garlic into. In the nearly 7 years we have been married my cooking skills have surpassed my wildest expectations of myself. I try new recipes, mess with old ones, make up a few more. I find it astoundingly satisfying when he enjoys a meal- because he SAYS SO. He tells me when he enjoys it, what part he likes, what he thinks could possibly even make it better. Because he gets excited about cooking that makes me have a whole lot more incentive to be ever more impressive. When someone says "This is tremendous!" you feel so much better than "It's ok." Who would you rather cook for?

So deep down I firmly believe that a huge portion of cooking drive can come from those who you cook for.

Recent happenings at our house

  • Naomi cut her hair, astoundingly well. It is kind of hard cause I look at her now and I think wow those bangs are cute. But I don't want to encourage her to ever do it again so I don't want to compliment her, maybe when she's 19.

  • We played Chutes and Ladders last night. Ethan managed to hit the big slide that takes you back 60 spaces. Then he managed to spin a 27 and then a 36 and somehow managed to beat Victor to the end. Someday my kids will catch on that dad is cheating. I had a hard time not cracking up over it.

  • Phebe sleeps in about 3 hour increments. That is doable. Though I will never complain when babies sleep for more.

  • The kids were given a set of Walkie- Talkies. It is rather humorous to watch them stand near each other and yell into the contraption. I don't know if what they say is ever broadcast, but they think it is great fun.

I can't really think of any other exciting things right now, though I am sure that there are. Those are my thoughts of the day.


  1. I love your thoughts Vanessa. I also agree about the cooking, it definitly helps when you have a motivation to cook well. I love food, but it isn't always enough to get me to spend hours in the kitchen-you need others to want it and compliment and encourage you.

  2. It always cracked me up when my kids caught Daddy cheating at games, when he had just lost HIMSELF 10,000 points or so, so THEY could win! Go Daddy! Cheat to lose!

  3. Also, I can totally see your dad doing that--every meal is "OK", never complaining!

    Also, I can totally see the walkie-talkie scenario! My kids are totally in love with the idea of Raphael living at your house!
