Monday, October 26, 2009

The other evening we had a friend over. This is a person who has been friends with our family for a very long time, known our children their entire lives. I think to a degree that is part of where our problem lies. He used to come over and wrestle and throw the kids around and they thought it was great. Now that they are bigger suddenly when they try to climb all over him he is getting all angry and unkind about it. I had to leave the room for a few minutes because I was just getting ticked off. Maybe I just spend too much time watching my own kids, I don't see how you can play with them like that for years and then suddenly get mad at them for trying to play with you the same way as always. They don't see what has changed. Yes, they are older and throwing a 5 year old isn't as easy or as fun as throwing a one year old. They however don't get it. This is not the first person to do this to them. I had another friend over who was acting the same way and was getting really frustrated with them. Finally I told him "You're the one who taught them to act that way." Somehow this seemed completely foreign to him.

Recently I read a conversation between two people and at one point the comment was made " You don't have to be learning ALL the time." ( referring to the lack of educational value Sponge Bob has) I do agree with that statement, however he is watching this show with his 3 year old, and whereas he may not be getting much more than mindless entertainment from it, a 3 year old is ALWAYS learning be it good or intelligent learning or Sponge bob brilliance.

That same sad evening where suddenly my older two just weren't allowed to play any more also happened to have the fabulous moment where the statement was made " Not right now I am playing with Caleb." What game can you honestly play with an 18 month old that a 3 year old can't particpate in? Granted the dynamics will most likely change, but think of how much more loved everyone feels when all invited to play. There wasn't even an alternative presented, just "no I am playing with Caleb." Makes me want to beat you.

Why must people be so rude to children? Have you never noticed how embaressed or ashamed they look when you yell at them for an accident, or when they just want you to play and you say " I am playing with Caleb- not you." Rude and insensitive I tell you. Take your rudeness away from my kids, my kids are too good to suffer through your belittling attitude.

OK so I guess this is just my kid watching rant a lot blog.

I will say in addition, I have a super sexy husband who on his own borrowed a carpet shampooer. Then shampooed the couches, the kitchen chairs and the upstairs hallway, all on his own. That is some serious sexiness. This was all after he already mowed our lawn and the neighbors lawn that morning.

In other news, the next few Monday nights will be devoted to a pie making class. By Thanksgiving it won't be Paula's perfect pies, nope it will be Vanessa's perfect pies. That's right. They did change the dates though, so suddenly that last class is dangerously close to my baby's due date. Hope I get all 4 classes in. Close enough to my due date that on my little dry erase calender we finally have it marked. YAY!


  1. Perhaps the person who was playing with Caleb thought that he needed a bit of solo attention, or was trying to teach the other kid about waiting ther turn? I mean, I kinda doubt it, based on the account, but they may have had reasons besides rudeness or wanting to only play with the little kid. If that was true, it's more of a difference of opinion as to lessons than anything.

    You're absolutely right that a kid is always learning, but as the (occasional) Spongebob watcher referenced, I think everyone has their own opinions on what lessons are important. While my daughter's not exactly learning the alphabet while we're watching some of these shows, she's learning to have the kind of goofy sense of humor that will help her bond with her dad. And while certain unnamed teachers who like to wear limited clothing in public during their recreational time may not approve, I think that's worth every second.

    Besides, it probably came off like we're settling in for the eight hour Squarepants marathon every day. Honestly, we probably average an hour a month of that show.

  2. Sadly, I had watched that same adult do the same thing with other children when Victor was Calebs age. I really think once they hit a certain age they just aren't as cute as he likes them so they get brushed aside. It is funny though because out in public he suddenly pretends they are his little buddies.

    Just so you know we had family movie night the other evening, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles." Also very high class entertainment, as you can see we only watch the highest on the educational scale around here. Everyonce in a while laughing just to laugh is really great. I realy only brought it up because in my mind I was just thinking about how they are always learning and having that insensitive adult around was just making me sad watching my kids learn that this adult only really liked them when they are little.

    Some of the lessons learned in this life are just so unpleasent. Maybe that is why we do need things like Spongebob.
