Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Good notes of my day.

These are some of my thoughts right now.

Ethan got a fair sized unexpected raise yesterday.

I ordered 3 new windows today.

I think crock pots are fabulous.

Kindergarten open house tonight.

It is awesome when I send my eldest two to the basement to pick out a new cereal and they do, without arguing about which kind.

I think it is great when the 6th grader from the bus stop thinks I am cool enough to just stop by and chat with while we are outside playing. Now I need to learn his name.

I love fans.

I love running water, especially hot water.

I also happen to love indoor plumbing.

I love being able to squirrel away a few things from my own garden for food storage.

The window guy remembered that my daughter is "full of personality" even though she was in bed napping the whole time he was here. I think that is excellent.

I just heard from the other room, " Caleb get off the table."

While reading scriptures, when the word kiss was read aloud, my 17 months old NEEDED to climb into my lap and up in my face in order to give me a kiss.

I had popcorn today, popped previously and flavored with the cheese packet of a mac-n-cheese box. Surprisingly delicious.

I wasn't willing to bite my tongue when the nurse at the hospital told me she was sorry. I just smiled at her and said, "No.... you're not." and then walked away. Kinda made me feel good.

Now, I will go change my clothes and try to make my children look like miniature adults instead of barbarians and then supervise all the colored pencils that are "waterfalling" onto the floor. Cursed boxes of 72 given to children much to young to appreciate more than 20 colors.

1 comment:

  1. crock pots are one of the best culinary inventions. I, too, love fans and indoor plumbing. I would NOT be a good pioneer. And what did the nurse do that warranted that response? If it was the same one that kept poking me to try to get blood 57 times every day, then she deserved it. I even asked for someone who knew what they were doing and to quit sending trainees to take blood samples on someone who barely had a blood pressure.
