Monday, June 30, 2014

What do you need little one?

Every once in a while I have a moment where things move from my head to my heart.

I spent some time at a cousin's house not too long ago. When it came time to leave baby Ruby decided that the normal morning nap was completely unnecessary, in fact the suggestion was ridiculous.

I had 4 other children that I needed to take care of, a friend that had come along that I was trying to make sure she and her child had everything they needed. We had been working on some pretty big projects so there were lots of materials that needed to be gathered. Not to mention just getting all the stuff back to the car.

I was attempting to take the easy route. Put the baby to bed= get stuff done. Silly baby, just go to bed. I tried feeding her, diaper, letting her play a little longer. Nope just fussing. As I walked up the stairs I looked at her and said "What do you need my dear baby?"

Then the thought came to my mind." A mom. You need a mom. A mom who loves you and wants to be with you. A mom who thinks you are wonderful and realizes you are far more important than packing and 'getting stuff done.' "

 Really, what could be more important? What else could she or I need?

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