Sunday, December 8, 2013

Welcome to Naomi's world.

This is what it is like to live with Naomi.

She put a bunch of stuffed animals inside a butterfly cage. "That way at bed time we can close our eyes, reach our hands in and randomly pick one to sleep with."

We don't have a Christmas tree this year. We are decorating with out it. Naomi managed to out smart Santa. 
" I have proof Santa isn't real mom. He talked about our Christmas tree and we don't have one this year. "
I wanted the kids to go reassemble the trains they had disassembled so that we could give them to another family. 
Me: OK guys, I need you to be little Christmas elves. Here are some screw drivers. Go put the trains back together.
Naomi: Elves? We get to be elves? I need to go make some elf ears!

And she did. She got out her tape, scissors and wall paper book and cut out a pair of elf ear that she wore while she assembled trains.

Looking deep into Ruby's eyes she gave me this revelation-

"Secret agent. Definitely a secret agent. I can tell mom. Ruby is going to grow up to be a secret agent."

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