Friday, December 13, 2013

Just a touch of lipstick

While I tried to make dinner Phebe went to work.

When I walked into the bathroom I found Naomi and Phebe. Naomi was assisting Phebe in putting lipstick on her lips. Then Naomi turned around, saw me and made a very hasty retreat. Phebe looked up at me. I finally got a good look at her.

There she stood in her fully made up glory. I suspect she only had some on her lips thanks to Naomi. She had a heavy coat on each eye lid and a giant blob on her forehead. I did not lose my temper and just stood there waiting for her to realize mom did not approve of this plan. She then climbed up on the sink to admire the refection of her handiwork.Of course that includes licking the mirror for a while.

Finally she understood this had not been her brightest idea when I informed her she got to sit in a chair in the kitchen while I finished dinner.

I did not leave my make up out. It was in a cupboard with a latch. It was four shelves up and inside a bag.

I later found out more of how this incident happened. We were out of toilet paper in the bathroom. Naomi and Caleb were so sweet and helpful in going and getting more. Said toilet paper is stored in that same cupboard.  Suddenly it all made much more sense.

Random amusing note about the incident- she tried to wash the mark on her forehead off with water. Red lipstick with a coat of water makes a very compelling wound.

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